By default the screenshot you capture on Mac is in .png file format. The .png file format supports lossless data compression which means that the screenshot size is on the higher side, well thats not bad for some but for those who are uploading them to web would not prefer it. The good news is that you can change the default file format to any other file format of your choice like gif, jpg or even pdf. In this guide, I will share how you can change the default file format of screen captured on Mac.
Sep 28, 2021 Alternatively, control-click the screenshot, select Open With and select Preview. Select File on the menu bar and select Export to PDF. Rename the file in the “Save as” dialog, tap the “Where” drop-down option to select where you want the file saved, and select Save. Convert Screenshot to JPG on Mac. Rehashing screenshots to JPG on. Right click to save an image on a Mac. For most images, this is the best way to save them on a Mac, as it offers you the most control.Remember that using two fingers to tap on the track pad is the. One option if you need it as JPEG rather than PNG is to open the PNG file (double-click) in Preview and then on the Preview File menu use the Export command which will allow you to export it as JPEG. Another option is to use Skitch for the screenshot and export directly from it to JPEG. You can use the basic editing features, like crop, rotation, text, and so on. Step 3: Open the File menu and select the Save as option. Select the JPEG picture option in the output format list. Step 4: You can rename the JPEG output and decide the destination. Click the Save button to save photos as JPEG. Ways to Save screenshot in Jpg format on mac computers Way 1: To make changes in the Terminal using a command. If you know how to use a terminal, you can literally play with your Mac computer. Type the following command to change the default format to JPG to save the screenshots. Defaults write type jpg.
Changing screenshot file format
To change the default file format, you need to use the Terminal (also referred as command line) on Mac. To open terminal go to Applications ❯ Utilities ❯ Open Terminal.
To demonstrate I’m changing the default file format to jpg. To change from .png to .jpg type the following command in terminal and hit enter.
Now verify the change by taking a screenshot, press
Similarly to change in other file formats, type the following commands in terminal.
Change to .gif
Change to .pdf
You can switch between these file formats any number of times as per your requirement.
Reverting the changes
If at some point you choose to go back to .png file format then type the following command in terminal:
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As you probably know, tapping your Windows PC’s Print Screen key will place a “snapshot” of the current screen contents onto the Windows Clipboard.
How To Save Screenshot On Mac As Jpg Image
This process is commonly known as “taking a screenshot”, and it’s one of the most useful features in all of Windows for many users.
How To Save Screenshot On Mac As Jpg Size
Screenshot On Windows
Once it is on the Clipboard your screenshot image can be pasted into your favorite image editing program. From there you can make changes to the image and then save it to your computer as an image file.
As luck would have it, Windows 10 gives you another very handy option for handling your screenshots…
How To Save Screenshot On Mac As Jpg File
If you don’t need to edit the image before saving it to your hard drive, you can easily take the screenshot and save it directly as an image file simply by pressing a special key combination. Here’s how:
1 – Press the Windows key and the Print Screen key at the same time.
How To Save Screenshot On Mac As Jpg Image
Note: The Print Screen key is usually labeled either PrtScn, PrntScrn or Print Scr, depending on the keyboard.
2 – Press the Windows+E key combination to open “File Explorer”, then navigate to the Pictures>Screenshots folder. That folder will contain an image file (in .png format) depicting the screenshot that you just captured.
Note: Any additional screenshots you take using this method will be saved in the same folder with sequentially numbered file names.
How To Screen Shot On Windows10
Of course Windows 10 gives you other options for capturing screenshots, including pressing Alt+Print Screen to capture only the currently active window.
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